
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Relief from Katrina Relief

It appears the first wave of 4500 freeloaders are finally getting the boot by FEMA. But don't get too excited because a good number of these folks are just going to end up in local shelters, once again sapping up taxpayer dollars because they can't fend for themselves.

You have to give FEMA credit for giving it a good go. They even tried to give a good number of these folks extensions to find other arrangements, but check out the reception they got with this quote from FEMA spokesman Butch Kinerney:

"We’ve bent over backward to reach out. We’ve gone door-to-door to all of the 25,000 hotel rooms no fewer than six times. And there are individuals who have refused to come to the door, refused to answer. There are people who have run when they saw us coming — those are the ones that are now moving on,” said FEMA spokesman Butch Kinerney.

At 522 million spent on hotel rooms alone, where are the spend police on this one?


Blogger The Management said...

Chowda, you are a racist.


9:44 AM  

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